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2021 African Commonwealth Virtual Conference and Workshops


Update: We have added a special interest session on the afternoon of Wednesday December 1st (13:00 - 15:00 UTC) where the World Bank will talk about financing cybersecurity in Africa. See below for details.

Week 1 of the conference will start with scene-setting introductions, an immersive cyber exercise, and discussion around sharing experience, knowledge and lessons learned to support cyber security maturity growth across the African Commonwealth.

Week 1 at a glance

22 November - 

02 December 2021

Conference Agenda Week 1.png

Week 2 of the conference will focus on cyber threats - both current and emerging -  and how we can work together to combat them. Special consideration is given to the importance of national cyber security strategies and cyber legislation.

Week 2 at a glance

Cyber Conference Week 2.png

Special Interest Session

Conference Special Interest Session.png
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